Principal's Weekly Bulletin

Please read the first weekly bulletin for this academic year from Mr Solly..
Dear parents and carers,
We have enjoyed a fantastic first full week of term at UCC. It has been great seeing students working hard in lessons and in particular I have been impressed with the way in which I have seen our students welcoming Year 7 into our school community. Every day I have witnessed Year 7 students being directed to lessons, supported and made to feel very much part of our school.
I have also been impressed with how smart our students have looked since returning from the summer break. We are now only working with a very small number of students and their families to ensure they have the correct footwear and they are meeting our expectations regarding jewellery.
We have our Open Evening on Thursday 27th September and during the next few weeks we will be asking students to make a positive contribution towards this event by volunteering their services to showcase our school to prospective families. Such events provide our students with a great opportunity to develop a wide range of skills as well as being advocates for our school. If possible, please encourage your sons and daughters to think about which subjects they might help support during our Open Evening event.
At the start of the year it is always good to remind parents and carers of how to access important services to keep up to date with school matters:
I would like to draw your attention to a message below from Mr Berridge, our Site Manager, regarding the use of the car park drop-off/pick-up arrangements.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mr Solly
Car Park – Cars and Buses
The start of term has seen a rise in the number of parental cars arriving and leaving the car park before school and at the end of the day. We will continue to put measures in place to make the drop off and pick up as safe as possible for our students but we do require both your support and patience.
Students should not be picked up or dropped off at the front of the college.
If at all possible please pick up after 3.15pm to allow the car park to clear after the school buses have left the site.
Dropping Off
* Please drive as far down the drop off lane as possible to avoid clogging up the entrance
* Don’t stop and have a lengthy chat or make phone calls
* Please find a parking bay if you need more time or you have an appointment
* Be aware of students getting out of the stationary cars
Picking Up
* Please make use of any spaces in the car park bays
* Use the far gravel overflow which is often underused
* Avoid triple parking along the pick-up point as this narrows the route for traffic to flow
* Avoid picking up outside of the college car park
When picking up or dropping off please follow the instructions of the college staff on duty who are there doing their best to make the car park as safe as possible for all of us.
Parking on the Lyddington Road
We continue to lobby the Police and Highways regarding the issue of cars parking on the verge close to the exit of the car park causing both a physical and visual obstruction when leaving the car park. This is still being coned off until a permanent solution is found.
If you have any comments or observations regarding any car park issues or any of the above please contact Mr Berridge at the college (