ACE Day - Tues 8 October

See more information about ACE day...
Tuesday 8 October sees our first ACE (Additional Curriculum Experience) day of this academic year, all students will be off timetable for the day as follows:
Yr7 - Art of Brilliance:
The Art of Brilliance believes that "only about 2% of people fall into the category of feeling consistently great". Y7 will learn about how to stay happy and be positive and how to be one of those 2%ers!
Yr8 - The Real Game:
Y8 students will be asked to think about their dream lives; what jobs they wanted, accommodation to live in, means of transport and other luxury items! Once reality is introduced, students will be given a unique job role to research and share with the class. They will be tasked with re-evaluating their initial dream, budgeting within the means of their assigned job role, planning their time and investigating alternative job roles that may appeal to them. Throughout the day, they will consider the grades, experience and transferable skills they would need to develop to ensure their dream life.
Yr9 - Enterprise Day:
We have the next generation of entrepreneurs here at #TeamUCC. Y9 will spend the morning creating and designing their business models in advance of the trade show held in the afternoon. We hope to have lots of local business people attend the trade show and help with judging!
Yr10 - CPR and Careers Day:
Yr10 students will split their day between learning the lifesaving skill of being able to give CPR and learning useful skills to help them prepare for the next stages in their lives, including CV writing and understanding Post 16 Options
Yr11 - World of Work:
Yr 11 students will be preparing for the 'World of Work' by taking part in activities that include working through the application process for a job including the application process and mock interviews. They will also spend some time looking at Post 16 Options - ahead of our Post 16 Evening - which takes place on the Tuesday evening 7:00 - 9:00pm